The REal Storey

More than 36 months ago, I created a platform to communicate “The REal Storey.” The REal Storey blog is a medium that will offer real-life, Real Estate stories that followers can learn from. This Blog is not a promotional tool. Instead, it is a tool to communicate my personal views on the topic of Real Estate – my personal opinions that come from real-life experience.
I created this Blog to respond to a client’s request to make a conduit between the general public and myself to provide Buyers and Sellers with a safe place to go to get answers to their Real Estate questions. It has taken some time for me to find the inspiration to tell my story publicly until recently. I was sitting with clients and was responding to her question with a story – a real-life experience. She said, “Jim, I love your stories….they are enlightening”.
Further, last December, I was advised by a client who said, “Jim, you have a unique way of answering our questions by way of a story.”
I now realize that I created “The REal Storey” blog many months ago in an effort to share my real life, Real Estate experiences. It seems that there is a real need and that this may be a calling.
Like any industry, there are members who follow the rules, those who don’t, and others who influence positive change. These individual behaviours will elicit experiential questions by those who are party to the experience. It is my hope that this platform will be thought-provoking, stimulate an emotional response, be a safe place for one to ask questions, and be a conduit for change in an industry that is working hard to hold its’ members – Registrants – accountable.
Further, I created this Blog because one of my Real Estate clients asked me to do so. His foresight at the time was that the real estate landscape was going to change exponentially, and that Buyers and Sellers (B/S) need to be educated on the future of real estate and to be protected from these anticipated changes.
He intimated that there needs to be a messenger who: can be trusted; who will hold Real Estate Agents (REA) accountable; who will speak openly; who can be unbiased, who will not pull any punches, and one who can deliver this service to the B/S community with no expectation of reciprocal benefits.
“Jim, he said, you are the one.”
My inspiration for creating this Blog is:
- To deliver on my Client’s expectation or foresight;
- To share my stories and expertise as an entrepreneur in Real Estate;
- To bring to light the fact that the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) – our governing body – holds its members to a higher standard than the law. B/S are unaware of this, and so are REA.
- To educate that RECO has a very strict Code of Ethics that holds REA accountable and enables the B/S community to take action against Real Estate Agents whose behavior is questionable;
- To ensure the B/S community never signs a document/contract without fully understanding the contractual obligations they are committing to.
I encourage you to take the time to read my posts and to ask your questions. You will get a response within 24 hours of your inquiry.